You can help tackle criminal activity, unlicensed service activity, and wrongdoing in the private security industry. The details/information you report/send us, has a real impact on how effective the PSA is, as an Authority; your report can be used to direct our enforcement activities, to support our licensing decisions or as evidence in prosecutions.
Reporting a Concern
If you are not satisfied with the service you have received from a security company or the behaviour of one of their staff, please submit your complaint direct to the company or venue concerned, in the first instance; in general the PSA will not deal with such concerns.
However, you might have serious concerns about the conduct of a security company or individual operative even though they are not necessarily breaking the law. In such cases, you can send details/information to the PSA, using our online form (link below). Your report may remain anonymous if you wish.
When reporting a matter to the PSA, please provide the following information.
The more information you provide us, the greater the chance of a successful outcome. The PSA assesses all reports received and undertakes an investigation where there is sufficient information to support an investigation. Please click on the link below to record your report:
You may know of someone in the private security industry committing a crime. Please report the crime to An Garda Síochána, in the first instance: Reporting a crime
Please also report same to the PSA. That’s not just someone working without a licence or in breach of our licensing conditions: it can be any crime they have committed, which might have an effect on their licensable status.
NOTE: Information provided in your report to the PSA will be used to conduct enquiries and/or an investigation into your concern. Your information is processed in accordance with the provisions of the Private Security Services Acts and with Data Protection legislation (General Data Protection Regulation), to safeguard the privacy rights of individuals in relation to the processing of personal data. The PSA may, where provided for under our Acts, seek further information in connection with your report if you agree to be contacted.