The PSA is pleased to confirm that a new Employment Regulation Order (ERO) for the security industry was signed on the 25th June by Emer Higgins T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment.

From the 1st July 2024, the minimum rate of pay for security guards will be €14.50 per hour. The PSA licensing standard PSA28:2013, requires contractors to comply with legally enforceable legislation in relation to pay rates and conditions. The PSA, through its inspection regime, will monitor compliance with the new ERO and will take action against those found to be non-compliant. Further Information on the ERO and its application can be obtained from the Workplace Relations Commission by phone on 0818 80 80 90 or their website at The Statutory Instrument (S.I. No. 319/2024) which gives effect to the new ERO can be found here.